[1]王海洋 陈盼 简建安 汤小虎**.汤小虎主任医师治疗痛风的经验介绍[J].现代中医药,2018,(01):001-3,6.[doi:10.13424/j.cnki.mtcm.2018.01.001]
Wang Haiyang Chen Pan Jian Jianan Tang Xiaohu.Chief Physician Tang Xiaohu’s Experience in Treating Gout[J].Modern Traditional Chinese Medicine,2018,(01):001-3,6.[doi:10.13424/j.cnki.mtcm.2018.01.001]
- 卷:
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- 栏目:
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- Title:
Chief Physician Tang Xiaohu’s Experience in Treating Gout
- 文章编号:
- 作者:
王海洋1 陈盼1; 2 简建安3 汤小虎1; 2**
1.云南中医学院,云南 昆明 650500; 2.云南省中医医院,云南 昆明 650021; 3.倘甸镇中心卫生院,云南 昆明 655214
- Author(s):
Wang Haiyang1 Chen Pan1; 2 Jian Jian’an3 Tang Xiaohu1; 2
1. Yunnan University of TCM,Kunming 650500,China; 2. Yunnan Hospital of Chinese Medicine,Kunming 650021,China; 3. Tang Dian Township Central Health Center,Kunming 655214,China
- 关键词:
汤小虎; 痛风; 辨证施治; 临床经验
- Keywords:
Tang Xiaohu; gout; treatment based on syndrome classification; clinical experience
- 分类号:
- DOI:
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
汤小虎主任医师学验颇丰,精于风湿免疫性疾病的辨治,在痛风的治疗上,依据病情的寒热虚实,标本缓急,提出治疗痛风“三期六候,九方论治”的学术观点。“三期”指急性期、间歇期和缓解期,“六候”即证候分型,指湿热阻络证、肝经湿热证、湿蕴化热证、痰瘀痹阻证、脾气亏虚证和脾肾阳虚证。治疗时急性期主要以清热利湿、宣通经络为法; 间歇期当辨明湿、热、痰、瘀、虚之别,或分消,或兼顾; 缓解期主要以温阳化气泄浊为法度。临证擅用四妙散、五苓散,并根据病情灵活选用竹叶石膏汤、身痛逐瘀汤、真武汤等九方加减化裁,常能取得满意的临床疗效。
- Abstract:
Chief Physician Tang Xiaohu is both learned and experienced and is proficient in the diagnosis and treat- ment of rheumatic immune disease. In treating gout,he put forward the academic point of view“nine prescriptions for the three phases and six syndromes”based on the condition of the illness ( cold,heat,deficiency and excess as well as super- ficiality,origin,chronic or acute case) . “Three phases”refers to acute phase,intermittent phase and remission phase and“six syndromes”refers to the syndrome classification: syndrome of dampness - heat blocking collaterals,syndrome of dampness - heat of liver channel,syndrome of dampness transforming into heat,syndrome of blockade of phlegm stagna- tion,syndrome of qi deficiency of spleen,syndrome of yang deficiency of spleen and kidney. His treatment of the disease in acute phase mainly follows the approach of clearing heat and promoting diuresis while dredging channels and collater- als. In the intermittent phase,the treatment firstly distinguishes dampness,heat,phlegm as well as stasis and deficiency, then treats them respectively or together. And warming yang,transforming qi and dispelling? turbidity are often adopted in the remission phase. Clinically,he is good at applying Simiao and Wuling powder and flexibly chooses the best one from nine modified prescriptions such as lophatheri and gypsi fibrosi decoction,Shentong Zhuyu decoction and Zhenwu decoction according to the condition. Those practise can often achieve satisfactory clinical effect.
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- 备注/Memo:
收稿日期: 2017-02-15 编辑:文颖娟 云南高校中医防治风湿病科技创新团队编号( IRTSTYN2) ; 云南省应用基础研究一中医联合专项
(2015FB205( - 032) )
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