[1]王院春 穆美玲 王希胜 杨瑞峰 田亚利 惠建荣**.沙榆油对 β射线致放射性皮肤损伤大鼠皮肤组织病理学及 P53基因表达的影响[J].现代中医药,2018,(02):083-86.[doi:10.13424/j.cnki.mtcm.2018.02.030]
 Wang Yuanchun Mu Meiling Wang Xisheng Yang uifeng Tian Yali Hui Jianrong.Effect of Elm Oil on Skin Histopathology and P53 Gene Expression in Rats with Radioactive Skin Injury Induced by β - rays[J].Modern Traditional Chinese Medicine,2018,(02):083-86.[doi:10.13424/j.cnki.mtcm.2018.02.030]

沙榆油对 β射线致放射性皮肤损伤大鼠皮肤组织病理学及 P53基因表达的影响()




Effect of Elm Oil on Skin Histopathology and P53 Gene Expression in Rats with Radioactive Skin Injury Induced by β - rays
王院春1 穆美玲2 王希胜1 杨瑞峰1 田亚利1 惠建荣3**
1. 陕西中医药大学附属医院,陕西 咸阳 712000; 2. 陕西中医药大学第二附属医院,陕西 咸阳 712000; 3. 陕西中医药大学,陕西 咸阳 712046
Wang Yuanchun1 Mu Meiling2 Wang Xisheng1 Yang Ruifeng1 Tian Yali1 Hui Jianrong3
1. Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine,Xianyang 712000,China; 2. The Second Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine,Xianyang 712000,China; 3. Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine,Xianyang 712046,China
沙榆油 放射性皮肤损伤 P53 基因
elm oil radioactive skin injury P53 gene
目的 评价沙榆油防治急性放射性皮肤损伤的疗效,并探讨其病理学机制和对凋亡相关基因 P53 表 达的影响。方法 40 只雌性 SD 大鼠用硫化钡进行臀部皮肤脱毛,随机选取 10 只为空白组,其余 30 只麻醉后以 直线加速器电子线 6MeV 单次照射,吸收剂量率为 225cGy /min,累计剂量 45Gy,照射后随机分为模型组、治疗 组、对照组各 10 只,分别给相应处理,观察照射野皮肤变化,光镜观察皮肤组织学改变,免疫组化检测 P53 基因 表达情况。结果 受照大鼠均发生皮肤损伤,治疗组最轻,模型组最重
Objective: To evaluate the effect of elm oil in the prevention and treatment of radioactive skin injury and probe into its pathological mechanism as well as its effect on P53 gene expression. Method: 40 female SD rats’buttock skin hair were removed by barium sulfide,10 were randomly selected as the blank group,the remaining 30 anesthetized rats were irradiated with 6 MeV linear accelerator electron beam at an absorbed dose rate of 225 cGy / min with a cumula- tive dose of 45 Gy. Then the rats were randomly divided into model group,treatment group and control group with 10 rats in each,and given corresponding treatment. The changes of the skin were observed and the histopathological changes were observed by light microscope,the expression of P53 gene was detected by immunohistochemistry. Result: Skin damage occurred in the irradiated rats,the lightest was in the treatment group,the heaviest in the model group and the middle in the control group. On the 14th day of irradiation,obvious pathological changes of the irradiated rat skin appeared,hair follicle epithelial damage and large amount of inflammatory cell infiltration were observed. On the 30th day of irradiation, part of the wound repaired in both the treatment group and the control group,with the treatment group more obvious. Fi- broblast and collagenous fiber proliferation were observed. The model group had significant skin lesions,epidermis and dermis superficial tissue necrosis,intradermal edema,telangiectasia,hemorrhage,extensive neutrophil and lymphocyte infiltration. The expression of P53 gene in the irradiated rat skin was highly expressed on the 14th day,and significantly decreased on the 30th day in the treatment group compared with the model group and the control group ( P < 0. 05) . Conclusion: elm oil has a significant preventive and curative effect on acute radioactive skin injury in rats,and its mech- anism may be related to promoting proliferation of fibroblasts and collagen fibers,reducing the expression of P53 gene and inhibiting cell apoptosis.


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收稿日期: 2017 - 07 - 11 编辑: 文颖娟
基金项目: 咸阳市科学技术研究发展计划项目( 2012K16 - 01) ; 陕西省中医管理局科学技术项目( 13 - LC052)
更新日期/Last Update: 2019-12-09