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Clinical Observation on the Effect of Scalp Electroacupuncture on Sleep Quality of Patients with Primary Insomnia
赵婧宇1 纪昌春2**
1. 西安市中医医院,陕西 西安 710021; 2. 陕西省中医医院,陕西 西安 710003
Zhao Jingyu1 Ji Changchun
1. TCM Hospital of Xi’an,Xi’an 710021,China; 2. TCM Hospital of Shaanxi,Xi’an 710003,China
失眠 头穴 电针 疗效观察
insomnia scalp points electroacupuncture clinical observation
R245. 3
目的 观察头穴电针法在改善原发性失眠患者睡眠质量方面的临床疗效。方法 60 例失眠患者随机 分为两组,治疗组 30 例采用头穴电针法治疗,穴取印堂、神庭、百会和四神聪为主,疏波电针治疗; 对照组 30 例采 用常规体针治疗,治疗 2 个疗程,评价临床疗效,比较治疗前后两组匹兹堡睡眠质量指数( PSQI) 。结果 治疗组总 有效率 86. 67% ,对照组总有效率 73. 33% ,治疗组优于对照组( P < 0. 05) ; 两组 PSQI 指数治疗前后比较均得到有 效改善( P < 0. 01) ,治疗
Objective: To observe the clinical effect of scalp electroacupuncture in the improvement of the sleep quali ty of patients with primary insomnia. Method: 60 cases of insomnia were randomly divided into two groups. The 30 cases in the treatment group were given scalp electroacupuncture at Yintang,Shenting,Baihui,Sishencong and other points. The 30 cases in the control group were treated with normal acupuncture. After two courses of treatment,clinical effects were evalua ted,PSQI in both groups before and after treatment were compared. Result: The total effective rate was 86. 67% in the treatment group and 73. 33% in the control group,the result in the treatment group was better than that in the control group ( P < 0. 05) . PSQI indexes in both groups were effectively improved before and after treatment ( P < 0. 01) ,and the total score of PSQI index in the treatment group wasbetter than that of the control group ( P < 0. 01) . Comparing the index com ponents,the two groups were comparable in the improvement of sleep time and daytime function ( P > 0. 05) . The treatment group had advantages in improving sleep disorders ( P < 0. 05) ,and the scalp electroacupuncture group was superior to the normal acupuncture group in improving sleep quality,sleep time,and sleep efficiency ( P < 0. 01) . Conclusion: Scalp electroacupuncture therapy is better than normal acupuncture in treating insomnia and is worthy of promotion.


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收稿日期: 2018 - 01 - 17 编辑: 巩振东
基金项目: 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划面上项目( 2016JM8120) ; 陕西省中医药管理局科研课题( 15 - LC029, JCMS064)
通讯作者: 纪昌春( 1984 - ) ,男,硕士,主治医师,研究方向: 针灸临床及相关机理研究。E - mail: jichangchun1984@ 163. Com
更新日期/Last Update: 2019-12-09