 YANG JinghuaWANG LiangZHANG YanWANG Yong GUO Wei.Textual Research on the Ancient and Modern Efficacy of Mulberry Leaves[J].Modern Traditional Chinese Medicine,2024,(04):083-92.[doi:10.13424/j.cnki.mtcm.2024.04.017]





Textual Research on the Ancient and Modern Efficacy of Mulberry Leaves
1.青岛大学附属山东省妇幼保健院/中医药与临床药学研究中心/国家卫生健康委生育调控技术重点实验室,山东 济南 250014;
2.山东麦德森医疗科技有限公司,山东 济南 250013;
3.山东省中医药研究院,山东 济南 250014
YANG Jinghua1WANG Liang1ZHANG Yan3WANG Yong2 GUO Wei1
1.Shandong Maternal and Child Health Hospital affiliated with Qingdao University,Center for TraditionalChinese Medicine and Clinical Pharmacy Research,Key Laboratory of Fertility Control Technology ofthe National Health Commission, Ji’nan 250014,China;<
Key words:Mulberry leavesAncient and modern textual research Modern research Clinical application
摘 要:通过查阅历代本草、医书等古籍,结合现代文献分析,对桑叶的功效沿革与变迁、现代基础与临床研究进行了综合考证和全面梳理,并对桑叶功效的古今延续及应用差异进行了比较分析。结果表明桑叶功效繁杂、用法多变,其除寒热功效自汉代以来均有记载,在清代演变为除风温,沿用至今;明目功效于汉代提出,唐代在眼科应用中发展,明清时期得以重用,现代明目功效虽被纳入药典,但研究和应用较少;止消渴功效于明朝提出,明代以前桑叶多用于止渴,止消渴由此演变而来,现代文献分析显示桑叶近20年在糖尿病治疗方面表现优异,基础研究较为全面;止汗功效始于汉代,宋明时期得以发展,清代应用最多,现代却较少应用;止血功效明代应用广泛,至清代创新治疗妇女崩漏之后,近现代医家也有沿用,但目前临床已少有报道;其它如治虫蛇咬、止霍乱等功效已少有提及。桑叶资源丰富,具有较高的药用价值和保健功能,但目前开发水平较低。因此,结合现代临床需求,建议以桑叶历史功效为切入点,在关注现有研究热点的同时,对其明目、止汗和止血等历史功效进行深入挖掘。文章可为桑叶临床应用提供依据,并为基于桑叶创新药物的发现提供参考。
Abstract:Through reviewing ancient texts such as traditional Chinese medicine and medical books, combined with modern literature analysis, this paper comprehensively investigates and sorts out the evolution and changes of the efficacy of mulberry leaves, as well as modern basic and clinical research. It also compares and analyzes the historical and modern continuity and application differences of mulberry leaf efficacy. The results indicate that mulberry leaves have a complex range of functions and diverse uses. Their anti cold and hot effects have been recorded since the Han dynasty, and evolved into anti wind and warm effects in the Qing dynasty, which have been used to this day; Mingmu efficacy was proposed in the Han dynasty, developed in ophthalmology during the Tang dynasty, and was reused during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Although modern Mingmu efficacy has been included in the pharmacopoeia, research and application are relatively limited; The anti thirst effect was proposed in the Ming dynasty. Before the Ming dynasty, mulberry leaves were mostly used to quench thirst, which evolved from this. Modern literature analysis shows that mulberry leaves have performed well in the treatment of diabetes in the past 20 years, and the basic research is relatively comprehensive; The anti sweat effect began in the Han dynasty and developed during the Song and Ming dynasties. It was most commonly used in the Qing dynasty but less commonly used in modern times; The hemostatic effect was widely used in the Ming dynasty, and after the innovative treatment of women’s metrorrhagia and leakage in the Qing dynasty, modern medical practitioners also continued to use it, but there are currently few clinical reports; There is little mention of other effects such as treating insect and snake bites, and stopping cholera. Mulberry leaves are abundant in resources, with high medicinal value and health functions, but the current level of development is relatively low. Therefore, based on modern clinical needs, it is recommended to take the historical efficacy of mulberry leaves as the starting point, while paying attention to existing research hotspots, to deeply explore their historical efficacy such as improving eyesight, stopping sweating, and stopping bleeding. The article can provide a basis for the clinical application of mulberry leaves and a reference for the discovery of innovative drugs based on mulberry leaves.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2024-07-15