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1 Clinical Evaluation of Kangfei Exercises on the Effectof Common COVID-19 Patients in the Recovery Period
JIA Weigang1PAN Zhichao2GUAN Huimin3HAN Yunyi2ZHANG Bihai1XIAO Furong4 2024年04期 [49-55][Abstract](277)[pdf 1083KB](135)
2 nalysis of Embodiment of Thought of “Keeping Body Fluid” in Treatise on Febrile Diseases in Treatment of COVID-19 by “Three Prescriptions”
WANG Lulu XIAO Yang QI Haiyan WANG Gaolei HANG Cheng KE Ting 2023年04期 [20-25][Abstract](930)[pdf 963KB](11)
3 Intervention Strategy of TCM diet, Exercise, Emotion and Behavior for Patients with Chronic Gastritis at Home During COVID-19
SHA Zhihui WANG Jiehong WANG Qian YOU Jinzhi LI Li GONG Shanshan 2022年06期 [67-72][Abstract](1524)()
4 Analysis of “Mixed”Teaching Idea of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Under Normalized Epidemic Prevention Situation
ZHANG Rongchao DU Xu 2022年05期 [149-153][Abstract](844)()
5 Application of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19 Based on Tongue Image Theory
HUI Caixia1 BAI Xuefeng1 LI Yuanjun1,2 MAO Ya3 JING Rong1 TAN Juan1 LIU Yunlei1 2022年04期 [59-64][Abstract](902)()
6 ClinicalObservationof41COVID-19RecurrencePatientsTreatedwithChineseMedicineCombinedwithMoxibustion
ZHOUHaiwang,CHENXinsheng,DUSisi,GONGJianzhong,CHENGZhang,SONGHongwen,DUZhenfan 2021年03期 [55-59][Abstract](1998)()
7 Research into the Etiology,Pathogenesis,and Syndrome Differentiation of COVID -19
Cao Xue, Yuan Junmin, Chen Ningjun, Pu Xiuling, Liu Xiaoying, Peng Hongxia, Guo Tuanmao,Pang Le, Jia Yingxia, Zhang Xiaoni, Xu Gang, Ma Wenjuan, Li Meirong, Sun Feng, Zhao Wenxuan 2020年预出版 [1-4][Abstract](4161)[pdf 676KB](751)