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1 Effect of Fire Needle Combined with Low-PressureNeedle Free Scar Injection of Compound Betamethasoneon Treatment of Keloid and Its Impact on GrowthFactor Levels and Scar Status
WANG Yuzhen1ZHANG Li2ZHANG Pingan1 2024年03期 [83-87][Abstract](494)[pdf 822KB](136)
2 Theoretical Discussion on Prevention and Treatment of H-type Hypertension with Traditional Chinese Medicine Based on Intestinal Flora
HAO Xuan1 ZHANG Junru2 2022年05期 [81-88][Abstract](751)()
3 Therapeutic Effect and Mechanism of Compound Shenbai Decoction on ICR Mice with Chronic Eczema
ZHAO Jinli2 ZHONG Qi1 LI Changxiang1 XING Hongxia2 ZHAO Yan1 QU Huihua3 KONG Hui1 2022年02期 [25-30][Abstract](804)()
4 Study on the Effect of Different CombinedReagents of Compound Lizard Powder on PLGC Rat models
Gan Dejun1 Li Weiqiang2,3, Zhu Xijie2,3 2018年01期 [79-82][Abstract](1197)[pdf 1433KB](482)
5 Activity Study on Anti - osteoporosis Model with Different Proportions of Epimedium,Fructus Cnidii and Dipsacus Asper Extracts
Qin Yao1,2 Huang Chonggang2 Mo Zongcheng2 Wang Xin2 Wang Min2 Huang Wentao2 Luo Weizao1,2 2017年06期 [122-125128][Abstract](1362)[pdf 1542KB](726)