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1 Optimization of Fufang Tiexian Process andStudy on Antibacterial Components
CHEN Ziying HUANG Jiaoli LIAO Yinghong CHEN JiatingSUN Xugao CHEN Xing XIAO Sui 2024年04期 [100-108][Abstract](321)[pdf 3296KB](151)
2 Clinical Evaluation of Kangfei Exercises on the Effectof Common COVID-19 Patients in the Recovery Period
JIA Weigang1PAN Zhichao2GUAN Huimin3HAN Yunyi2ZHANG Bihai1XIAO Furong4 2024年04期 [49-55][Abstract](337)[pdf 1083KB](172)
3 Effect of Fire Needle Combined with Low-PressureNeedle Free Scar Injection of Compound Betamethasoneon Treatment of Keloid and Its Impact on GrowthFactor Levels and Scar Status
WANG Yuzhen1ZHANG Li2ZHANG Pingan1 2024年03期 [83-87][Abstract](521)[pdf 822KB](149)
4 Therapeutic Effect and Mechanism of Compound Shenbai Decoction on ICR Mice with Chronic Eczema
ZHAO Jinli2 ZHONG Qi1 LI Changxiang1 XING Hongxia2 ZHAO Yan1 QU Huihua3 KONG Hui1 2022年02期 [25-30][Abstract](829)()
5 Clinical Study on Preventive Treatment of Migraine by Regulating Mind Acupuncture
KANG Chaobin1 SUI Lan1 LU Yanrong2 2021年06期 [62-66][Abstract](918)()
6 Discussion on Ideas and Methods of Comparative Benefit Research of Traditional Chinese Medicine
HE Wei TONG Yajing HU Yong LI Shaolin 2021年05期 [59-62][Abstract](1291)()
7 ClinicalStudyonTheTreatmentofCervicalSpondyloticRadiculopathywithKidneyDeficiencyandBloodStasisSyndromebyDihuangYinziPlusCervicalTraction
MAJian1,LIUJijun2,LIHeng3 2021年03期 [95-100][Abstract](1274)()
8 Research Progress on Intervention Effects of Baduanjin on Patients with Osteoporosis
LU Dan - dan 1, YAO Jie 1, LIU Fang 1, LIU Qian 2 2021年01期 [6-9][Abstract](1730)[pdf 1394KB](611)
9 An Observation and Analysis of the Curative Effect of Treating the Beriberi by Fenshen Powder Modified Treatment with 30 Cases
Yan Hongmin, Yu Lanlan1 , Guo Ziyan 2 , Song Lisha1 2020年03期 [99-101,105][Abstract](1450)[pdf 851KB](466)
10 An Observation of Curative Effect of Treating Obstructive Jaundice Caused by Advanced Biliary Tract Tumor Compression by Dachaihu Decoction Combining with Chemotherapy
Wang Xin 1, Du Juan, Yang Yang 2 2020年03期 [83-87][Abstract](1886)[pdf 968KB](482)
11 An Analysis of the Clinical Effect of Treating the UC Inflicted on the Older Patients by Comprehensive Therapy of TCM
Yang Yinli, Wu Ting, Yu Fuli, Ma Xiaobing, Zhang Wei, Wu Jieqiong, Xiang Yi 2020年03期 [73-75][Abstract](1700)[pdf 914KB](420)
12 A Discussion on the Prevention and Treatment of COVID -19 by The Law of Yiyang Tongyuan
Zhang Ruixue, Zhang Caiyun, Yuan Yamei, Fang Zhengqing, Wang Qian, Zhu Lin 2020年03期 [1-6][Abstract](2598)[pdf 923KB](765)
13 Discussion on the Anti Epidemic Effect of Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia by "Yiyang Tongyuan"
Zhang Ruixue, Zhang Caiyun, Yuan Yamei, Fang Zhengqing, Wang Qian,Zhu Lin 2020年预出版 [9-16][Abstract](3134)[pdf 393KB](843)
14 Analysis of the Effect of TCM Nursing Scheme in Clinical Care of Patients with Vertigo ( Primary Hypertension)
Han Fengfeng, Zhang Lingyuan 2020年01期 [77-79,96][Abstract](1673)[pdf 1492KB](545)
15 Clinical Study on the Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases with Anxiety Disorder by Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine
Liu Lixin 1 Han Yali 2 2019年04期 [40-42,75][Abstract](1550)[pdf 1537KB](486)
16 Comparison of Yixiao Futan Decoction and Buyang Huanwu Decoction in the Treatment of Cerebral Infarction Complicated with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Liu Lixin 1 Yuan Wulong 2 2019年02期 [84-87][Abstract](1557)[pdf 1300KB](473)
17 Effect of Modified Vertigo Clearing and Pressure Lowering Decoction on the Improvement of TCM Syndromes and Vertigo Symptoms of Senile Hypertension
Chen Bin 1 Feng Zhigang 1 2019年02期 [50-53][Abstract](1492)[pdf 1300KB](463)
18 Epidemiological Characteristics of Vertigo Patients and the Effect of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine
Kou Dongsheng 2019年02期 [45-49][Abstract](1484)[pdf 1308KB](439)
19 Clinical Observation of Heart Failure Mixture in Treating Chronic Heart Failure
Xia Roujuan Meng Guangkuo 2018年06期 [9-11][Abstract](1734)[pdf 1608KB](561)
20 Research on the Effect of TEAS - assisted General Anesthesia on Elderly Patients with Gastrointestinal Surgery
Tong Bo1,Wei Hailiang1,Guo Hui1,Xiao Xia2 2018年02期 [38-40][Abstract](1186)[pdf 1386KB](409)
21 Clinical Effect of Tongluo Yishen Formula Combined with Glucosidorum Tripterygll Totorum in Treating Diabetic Nephropathy and Its Effect on Patient’s Oxidative Stress Level
Li Ning1 Li Xiaohui2 Geng Cuicui3 2018年02期 [28-32][Abstract](1245)[pdf 1382KB](501)
22 Study on the Effect of Xinluo Paste in Treating Coronary Heart Disease and Its Correlation with Heart Rate Variability
Ren Huifeng Zhou Hongwei Zhang Huan 2018年01期 [13-15][Abstract](1235)[pdf 1361KB](387)
23 Clinical Observation on Treatment of 40 Chronic Bronchitis Patients by Point Application with Chinese Medicine
Liu Xianhua 2017年05期 [14-][Abstract](1156)[pdf 840KB](640)
24 Clinical Observation of IgAN Treatment by Kidney - tonifying and Turbid - removing Decoction
Yang Yilong1 Zhang Yanmei1 Gong Yang1 Xiong Guoliang2 2017年03期 [29-33][Abstract](1438)[pdf 1285KB](456)